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Jason Miles' Reimagining of "Pretty World" to Generate Income for Struggling Musicians.


Grammy award winner (and Namba Gear user) Jason Miles has released a reimagining of the Sergio Mendez and Brazil 66 song "Pretty World" in an effort to generate income for musicians who are struggling during the Covid-19 pandemic. All monies go directly to help musicians in need.

“I was on YouTube just cruising around when I came upon the ‘Pretty World’ video by Sergio Mendes and Brasil ’66,” says Miles. “The song was written by Antonio Adolfo and Tiberio Gaspar, with English lyrics by Marilyn and Alan Bergman, and the original recording featured the amazing vocalist Lani Hall with Karin Philipp putting across a beautiful vibe. I said to myself, ‘I need to re-record this song and give it a modern kick, and maybe bring some smiles to people, get across this message, which is so simple but so beautiful.’”

The result is this beautiful song that I am extremely proud of,” says Miles. “Ropeadope Records is releasing it, and there will be a video accompanying it, with beautiful images and colors—Karin Haslinger, who designed the cover, is putting together the video.

”Best of all, he adds, “All of the proceeds collected for this song will be donated to the newly formed Jazz Coalition, a collective of industry professionals, musicians and supporters that identifies needs affecting the jazz and improvised music community and strategizes response solutions and opportunities. They will be distributing money through scholarships to musicians in need. This is the best I can do to give back and try to make a little difference in this world."

The song will be available on August 7, 2020 via all of the usual outlets; Amazon, Apple, Spotify, etc.

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